• Download PayPal app from the Playstore on your phone.  
  • If using a computer, go to and follow their instructions for setting up an account.  It is free to use and basically the same steps to make a payment. 
  • Follow the PayPal app instructions to add a credit card or bank account to your PayPal app. Or look on YouTube and search for How to Set up PayPal. 
  • Once added close app and then re-open app 
  • On the main screen at the top there will be an icon that looks like this   
  • Press that button.  It will open another screen. Make sure that the scan button  

is pressed. A box will open that will allow you to align the QR code within the frame. Once the QR code is read, a payment screen will appear.   

  • From there you can make your payment to d’lish catering inc. 
  • Once you pay the first time it will show up in your past payments you can click on that the next time, and it will send you directly to make a payment 
  • Using the QR code below ensures that the payment gets to the correct destination.  Please note this is a business account and not a personal account.   


  • If using a computer, go to and follow their instructions for setting up an account.  It is free to use and basically the same steps to make a payment. 
  • Download App from Playstore and install on your phone 
  • Follow the Venmo app instructions to add a credit card or bank account to your Venmo app or look on YouTube and search for How to Set up Venmo.  
  • Press “Pay or Request” then Press “Scan or show QR Code” 
  • Press “Scan Code”  
  • A box will appear, place the d’lish catering inc QR code inside that box.  It will automatically bring up the d’lish catering inc business account.  
  • Type in the dollar amount and press pay and follow the online instructions  
  • Once you pay one time then it will be in your Top Businesses that you pay from then on you can press our name and it will automatically take you to the payment screen. 
  • Using the QR code below ensures that the payment gets to the correct destination.  Please note this is a business account and not a personal account.   


Monday — Friday
8:00 am - 6 pm

Saturday & Sunday
Available by appointments only

Offline ! We will start taking orders in

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